Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Samurai - Mike

Mike, 26, Elmwood

The Story: The work on Mike's arm has taken two years to complete. The imagery is in the style of traditional Japanese art (Kabuki mask and Samurai). To Mike, his tattoos remind him of the need for inner strength.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tribute - Sam

Sam, 22, Lakeview
Rainbo Club (7/31/09)

The story: The wisps of smoke from a best friends mouth captured forever in a photograph. Like seeing images in the clouds, the word LOVE jumps out at you. Shortly after Sam's friend Scott took the picture of Miri, she was gone from this world. Killed in a car accident. Sam's tattoo is a permanent, and fitting, tribute to his friend.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Survivor - Shannon

I can't expect others to share if I won't.

Shannon, 26 (in 6 days), Near South Side

How Long I've Had It: Since winter 2006
The story: As you can see, I have some scars on my back. Long story short - in 1996 I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. This diagnosis was made after two lung biopsies and subsequent lobectomy to remove the large tumor in my lung. I've been in remission since 2000 and decided to celebrate my survival with a tattoo.

There are so many awful physical reminders of what I've been through covering my body - skin discoloration from a bone marrow transplant, eight-inch scar on the back, marks on my chest from radiation, ports and central lines. The list goes on. I decided to put something on my body that was of my own volition. Something that would stand with the scars and proclaim ownership of them.

I thought that because I had so much nerve damage, getting the tattoo wouldn't be too painful. That was something I made up in my head, because it hurt quite a bit. But it was small and over quickly.

I get asked questions about it all the time. If it's from a drunk frat boy at a bar, I just tell them that it is my favorite Destiny's Child song. Or my favorite TV show. They are not convinced, but it does shut them up.